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Showing posts from September, 2022

Regenerative systems (4): The choosen plants require the right soil food web

A regenerative design is based on lots of choices: what should the system look like? Which plants, crops and trees are combined into a planted ecosystem? And how does the business model looks like? But this above-ground design must then also be translated to the subsoil: the soil life must be completely in line with the above-ground planting. Because the associated soil life is quite different for different grasses, row crops, shrubs or trees. That's what this blogpost is about. The Soilfoodweb More and more we are discovering that the subsoil is not an inert medium, but that a healthy soil is full with an abundance of life. And life adapts to the circumstances and is therefore not always the same. Yet if you look at healthy soils, there are clearly groups of organisms living together in the soil in a well functioning ecosystem. Some are receiving exudates from plants, other are eating dead plant material, or are eating the soil organisms.